Cocina hondureña y mas (Honduran cuisine and more)

La realizacion de este blog, pensando en todos aquellos que les encanta la comida tipica hondureña, o simplemente con deseos de recordar y conocer las maravillas culinarias, y no solo de Honduras, sino de otros paises. Es un placer para mi compartir con ustedes, algo tan importante para nuestra cultura culinaria, especialmente para aquellos que estan fuera de Honduras. Estoy segura de que les sera de una gran ayuda. Tambien en este blog encontraras historias y leyendas de Honduras. Cocina hondureña y mas es para ti!!!!!!!!!!!! Disfrutalo!!! Honduran cuisine and more The realization of this blog, thinking of all those who love the typical Honduran meal, or simply wanting to remember and learn the culinary wonders, not just in Honduras but other countries. It is my pleasure to share with you something so important to our food culture, especially for those who are out of Honduras. I'm sure they will be of great help. Also in this blog you will find stories and legends of Honduras. Honduran cuisine and more is for you !!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010



2 libras de carne de cerdo
de costilla y tajo
2 cebollas medianas picadas
3 tomates maduros pelados
2 chiles  rojos
 2 chiles  verdes
4 dientes de ajos machacados
1 cda. de aceite
1 ½ libras de arroz
 Sal y pimienta al gusto


En un sartén se pone a freír el ajo machacado, con el aceite, agregar la cebolla y
 cuando está un poco dorada echa la carne cortada en trocitos, los tomates picados,
 los chiles en tiritas.

Se cocina un rato, se agrega bastante agua hirviendo que tape todo,
 sal y pimienta. Cuando la carne ya está suave se quita
(siempre que tenga suficiente agua y tape todo),
agrega el arroz ya limpio, tapar y dejar cocinar a fuego suave.
Cuando el arroz ya esté suave y reventado se mezcla la carne y
se espera que se seque a fuego suave.

Esta misma receta se puede usar para hacer con pollo,
o camarones cocidos y pelados, que se echan por último.



 2 pounds pork rib 
2 medium onions chopped
 3 ripe tomatoes peeled
 2 red peppers
2 green peppers
 4 cloves crushed garlic
1 tbsp.  oil
 1 ½ pounds of rice
 Salt and pepper to taste

In a skillet fry the crushed garlic with oil, add onions and
when golden check some chopped meat, chopped tomatoes,
 peppers into strips.
 It is cooked for a while, add enough boiling water to cover
everything, salt and pepper. When the meat is soft and is
removed (provided you have enough water and cover everything),
 add the rice and clean, cover and cook over low heat. When the
 rice is tender and meat is mixed trap and is expected to dry over
low heat.


This same recipe can be used to make with chicken,
or cooked and peeled shrimp, which is finally cast.


  1. Hello I am from Venezuela. I like very much the american food. Hondurean food is very basic but is cheap (The cheapers ingredients like potatoes o rice are always present.)

    If honduras was the great USA, hondurean people would meat more expensive food, like steak.
    God bless USA and Venezuela

    Carlos Garcia

  2. @Anonymous your comment made zero sense. Maybe you should focus on your writting skills versus critiquing cousines.
